Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Overcoming Submissive Burnout

I should be cleaning the kitchen right now. But I'm writing on the internet instead.

Apparently I'm just burned out this week. It sometimes feels like all I do is clean and do dishes and run errands and go to work. My wife recognizes this, and isn't backing off. Instead, she's pressuring me to get back to work. She keeps up her high standards of obedience and service, regardless of what kind of mood I'm in. I recognize that this is incredibly important, and is a large part of why our D/s dynamic is so persistent.

But that doesn't change the fact that I'm tired! Part of me wants to steal the remote, put my feet up, grab a beer, and watch TV. I think it's times like these when D/s dynamics break down for some couples. There are always a few days or a week at a time every so often where things are just tough.

But I need to remember that I'm not taking on more responsibilities than my wife. I'm not working harder than her, we're just doing different things. She's just as tired as I am, and having a whining husband who shirks his responsibilities is the last thing she needs.

As a subservient husband, I have taken on all of the domestic duties because that frees my wife to take on more important responsibilities. While I'm cleaning and shopping, she's doing the extra work she needs to do at her high-powered job to keep up with her coworkers. While I'm doing the laundry and paying the bills, she's tracking our spending and updating our financial plan.

When submissive husbands take on household tasks, it's so that their wives can do more important things (even if those things occasionally include sleeping in or watching a movie). My wife is already working harder than me, on more important things. If I slack off on cleaning the kitchen, what does that say about my worth as a husband?

So on that note, I'm going to go take a deep breath, get a drink of water, and get back to cleaning the kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. Sweetie,

    It is up to your wife to remember the importance of discipline. She should provide you with a structure. With guidelines. The choice to perform chores or not is hers, not yours.

